Thursday, October 24, 2019

Brand Onions The Crying Game: Article analysis

The crying game, Martin Well. Article Analysis The article from Martin Well Is calling Into question the use of models for brand- perception management. Brand-marketing models may create barriers in the development of brands. By following strict rules, the way for creativity is not accessible. To better understand the article we will mentioned the main statement from the author, to then better analyze it.Processes in marketing lock the values of companies in a strict way (like in a box), and it doses ‘t promote the creativity and the action. Employees will not think out of the box, being locked in those concepts. Then any messages, Ideas, options, alternatives, solutions or opinion that do not have a direct link to the â€Å"rules† are automatically rejected. This Is quite â€Å"Nazi† and does not promote Innovation. The brand will not take any risk. Its messages will be very simple. There won't be evolution over the time.The company stays stacked with its values, and launch messages around it, but probably this is not what its customer or target is expecting, and believe in. Or it is not well done (the message) and the target group does understand a different meaning of it. In the article, Nikkei is mentioned as an example, and Nine's slogan â€Å"Just Do It† Is probably Included In employee's minds. This motto Is part of the values of the firm. In this case this value Is very motivating, pushing for creation and action.Also It does encourage the employee to think out of the box. A call to action and creatively should always be part of any company' s values. Furthermore, these tools do not give much opportunity to adapt to national market, where values and messages could be improved in many cases. Of course it is useful as a base to help you understand (as a company), who you are, hat you want to achieve, where you are going and why? This is kind of a raisin d' ©tree, witch helps the business and its employees to stay focus, knowin g why they are waking up every morning.Any tool should be adapted, changed or only be used as a remembered over the time. Studies, trough tests directly taking place on the market, analyzing reactions of people). To understand if the message is perceived as we want it to be perceived, or even if it is the right one. Does the target group really want to be associated to those values? Is there any improvement to be done? Should we stick on our firm-values anyway? Or are we capable to adapt, to evolve, being smarter?I would like to conclude by this post from Erg Manses, witch commented the article: â€Å"we spend most of our time trying to post-rationalize the decisions we make by instinct†. The brain has two different parts that are (thanks god) connected between each other, meaning that our instinct might not be that instinct, but a fast connection inside our brain is probably made. Models we are using in order to plan a brand strategy should not be followed like science, but they should be used as different tools to orient ourselves.

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